When you have so many plates spinning at any one time it’s difficult to devote the time you need to make sure you’re up to speed on all the latest propositions, plans and products.

On average we only have time to devote 1% of our work week to professional development. That means only 24 minutes a week or 4.8 minutes a day can be allotted for training in a normal 40-hour work week*.

At AXA PPP healthcare we understand that, in an industry where giving the best possible advice is of paramount importance to your clients and your reputation, you need a practical solution to help you build up your knowledge.


Bite size learning in an easily accessible format

Traditionally, keeping yourself abreast of the latest product developments has meant lots of desk-based research sifting through brochures and the internet.  This isn’t how we now access learning in today’s busy working environment.

As Nicola Mohns, our Head of Corporate and Intermediary marketing, explains:

“We’ve created a series of short, sharp eLearning modules for intermediaries – the first of which focuses on our Doctor@Hand Digital GP service powered by Doctor Care Anywhere. We wanted to make our training as easily available as possible.   We know how short of time our intermediaries can be, so we’ve designed it to be completed in less than 10 minutes.  And with people unlocking their smartphones up to 9 times an hour* we’ve also made it mobile responsive so you can access it when you’re on the go.”

We’re developing more eLearning modules that focus on our key propositions meaning you’ll be able to access a wide variety of training material.

Find out more

If you want to find out more about the training options available or take the eLearning modules you’ll find all the information on our intermediary website, Amplify or talk to your dedicated account manager.

*Source: Bersin by Deloitte, 2014