As you may be aware, from Monday 5 September to Monday 31 October we will be making two months free cover available to new individual customers who start their plan with us during this period.

The two months free can apply to:

  1. All new individual moratorium business
  2. All new individual switchers who can favourably answer the full declaration or take a conditional declaration
  3. All new group leavers who can favourably answer the full declaration (existing group leaver quoting process applies)

We’re really excited about the launch of the offer, and on Monday 5 September the promotion will go live on the My Health on Line (My HoL) website.

If you’ve already quoted for business that has a start date, or goes ‘live’ on or after 5 September it is important to note that that Price Promise, or any other pricing promotion you might have discussed with them, will not apply and will be replaced with two months free.

If however, for these quotes generated prior to 5 September that ‘go live’ on or after 5 September, your customer would like to keep Price Promise, or any other pricing promotion, instead of having two months free applied, please email with subject line ‘Two Months Free’ and we can manage these cases by exception.

A reminder of how the offer works and the relevant terms and conditions can be found here.

We look forward to working with you on this new campaign.

Yours sincerely

Paul Moulton
Director, Intermediary Distribution