Please see below for a reminder of the actions to take If you have a KYC requirement to provide copies of ID&V to support an application. Following these steps and providing all requirements upon case submission, including a fully completed KYC attestation, will speed the time taken to receive your client mortgage offers.

If you’re not currently working on an application with a KYC requirement, we suggest you save and retain this email and use as a checklist for when you next have such a case.

Submitting all of your KYC documentation

Please be advised that if you have a case requirement to provide copies of ID&V to support the application, it’s essential you complete and submit the bottom section of the KYC Attestation document. In addition to the ID&V documents.

Key information

The documentation we require will depend on the type of application you submit. Please check our requirements below and please keep in mind that we will be unable to validate your supporting ID&V docs and progress your clients’ application until you’ve done so.

Purchases and Like for Like Remortgages
You are able to validate you have seen electronic copies of original documents for these applications

To progress your clients’ application, we will require:-

  • Completed Attestation form – ensure you tick the correct option to confirm that you have seen original OR electronic copies of the original ID&V documents
  • Proof of identity and Proof of address – If advice not conducted Face to Face, you must also provide a third ID&V document
  • If selecting ‘electronic copies’ of documents we must also have a copy of the applicant’s most recent bank statement – either as one of the ID&V documents, or in addition if a bank statement isn’t being used to satisfy Proof of Address requirements
  • Case requirements – information and documents required to support underwriting assessment, where specified
  • Client declarations – if you are unable to obtain original signed customer declarations you can complete the top half of the Attestation Form as an alternative

IMPORTANT – Please upload all required documents (where applicable) to the application

Remortgage with Additional Borrowing, Equity Release or a Further Advance

You must have sight of the original documents to take your copies from and attest to the same

To progress your clients’ application, we will require:-

  • Completed Attestation form – ensure you tick the correct option at the bottom of the form to confirm that you have seen original ID&V documents
  • Proof of identity and Proof of address – If advice not conducted Face to Face, you must also provide a third ID&V document
  • Case requirements – information and documents required to support underwriting assessment, where specified
  • Client declarations – if you are unable to obtain original signed customer declarations you can complete the top half of the Attestation Form as an alternative

IMPORTANT – Please upload all required documents (where applicable) to the application

Details of the specific ID&V documents that are acceptable under policy can be found by viewing the Client ID&V drop down box found on this link