A message from Barclays

From Thursday 22 October, we are making a number of changes to our residential range including introducing purchase only products with up to £1,000 cash back for the first time in over ten years.   These new products span LTVs from 60% to 90% and include fee-free options at 75%, 85% and 90%.

Importantly these products are available to all clients purchasing a property, whether they be first time buyers or home movers. In addition, we are making positive changes to our high LTV products including our lowest ever rates at 85% and 95% LTV.

And we are also reducing our Help to Buy 1 & 2 products. As a result, we will be able to help even more first time buyers and those looking to move up the property ladder.

Our changes will also help those looking to remortgage as we’ve reduced our range including Great Escape®.  However, please note, we have slightly increased our 60% and 70% LTV 2 year fixed at 1.53% and 1.72% respectively to 1.57% and 1.75%.

Key Changes:

We will be:

  • Introducing fee free purchase only products with cash back of £1,000 on our 2 Year fixed range at 75%, 85% and 90% and 5 year at 75%.
  • Cutting our existing Help to Buy shared equity scheme product by 0.90% to 2.29%, extending the end date by three months and introducing a new 5 year fixed at 3.09%.  This will particularly help those looking to purchase new builds.
  • Cutting our Help to Buy mortgage guarantee scheme two year fixed from 4.25% to 3.99% and cutting our 5 year fixed from 4.99% to 4.75%.
  • Cutting our Great Escape® range by up to 0.16% making this even more attractive to those looking to remortgage with £250 cash back, free legals and valuations.

What are we introducing?


– 1.99% (BBBR + 1.49%) 2 Year Tracker, 85% LTV, £999 fee, min £5k, max £1m

– 2.75% (BBBR + 2.25%) 2 Year Tracker, 90% LTV, £999 fee, min £5k, max £500k

Fixed Rates
Two Year:

– 1.53% 2 Year Fixed, 60% LTV, £999 fee, min £5k, max £1m, cash back £250 (purchase only)

– 1.95% 2 Year Fixed, 60% LTV, £0 fee, min £5k, max £1m

– 1.72% 2 Year Fixed, 70% LTV, £999 fee, min £5k, max £1m (purchase only)

– 2.39% 2 Year Fixed, 75% LTV, £0 fee, min £5k, max £1m, cash back £1k (purchase only)

– 2.39% 2 Year Fixed, 80% LTV, £0 fee, min £5k, max £1m (purchase only)

– 2.05% 2 Year Fixed, 85% LTV, £999 fee, min £5k, max £1m

– 2.69% 2 Year Fixed, 85% LTV, £0 fee, min £5k, max £1m, cash back £1k (purchase only)

– 2.76% 2 Year Fixed, 90% LTV, £999 fee, min £5k, max £500k

– 3.19% 2 Year Fixed, 90% LTV, £0 fee, min £5k, max £500k, cash back £1k (purchase only)

– 1.57% 2 Year Fixed, 60% LTV, £999 fee, min £5k, max £1m (remortgage only)

– 1.75% 2 Year Fixed, 70% LTV, £999 fee, min £5k, max £1m (remortgage only)

– 2.09% 2 Year Fixed Great Escape®, 70% LTV, £0 fee, min £50k, max £1m, cash back £250, free legals and non-disclosed valuation (remortgage only)

– 2.29% 2 Year Fixed Great Escape®, 80% LTV, £0 fee, min £50k, max £1m, cash back £250  free legals and non-disclosed valuation (remortgage only)

– 2.39% 2 Year Fixed, 80% LTV, £0 fee, min £5k, max £100k (further advance only)

Five Year:

– 2.29% 5 Year Fixed, 60% LTV, £1,999 fee, min £500k, max £1m

– 2.34% 5 Year Fixed, 60% LTV, £999 fee, min £5k, max £1m

– 2.79% 5 Year Fixed, 60% LTV, £0 fee, min £5k, max £1m, cash back £250 (purchase only)

– 2.79% 5 Year Fixed Great Escape®, 70% LTV, £0 fee, min £50k, max £1m, cash back £250  free legals and non-disclosed valuation (remortgage only)

– 2.99% 5 Year Fixed, 75% LTV, £0 fee, min £5k, max £1m, cash back £1k (purchase only)

– 3.49% 5 Year Fixed, 85% LTV, £0 fee, min £5k, max £1m, cash back £1k (purchase only)

– 3.54% 5 Year Fixed, 90% LTV, £999 fee, min £5k, max £500k

– 3.89% 5 Year Fixed, 90% LTV, £0 Fee, min £5k, max £500k, cash back £1k (purchase only)

Help to Buy – Mortgage Guarantee Scheme:

– 3.99% 2 Year Fixed, 95% LTV, £0 fee, min £50k, max £570k

– 4.75% 5 Year Fixed, 90% LTV, £0 fee, min £50k, max 570k

Help to Buy – Shared Equity Scheme:

– 2.29% 2 Year Fixed, 75% LTV, £0 fee, min £25k, max £450k

– 3.09% 5 Year Fixed, 75% LTV, £0 fee, min £25k, max £450k

Rate Switch

– 1.57% 2 Year Fixed, 60% LTV, £999 fee, min £5k, max £1m

– 1.75% 2 Year Fixed, 70% LTV, £999 fee, min £5k, max £1m

– 2.09% 2 Year Fixed, 70% LTV, £0 fee, min £5k, max £1m

– 2.29% 2 Year Fixed, 80% LTV, £0 fee, min £5k, max £1m

– 2.79% 5 Year Fixed, 70% LTV, £0 fee, min £5k, max £1m

What are we withdrawing?


– 2.25% (BBBR + 1.75%) 2 Year Tracker, 80% LTV, £0 fee, min £5k, max £1m (purchase only)

– 2.29% (BBBR + 1.79%) 2 Year Tracker, 85% LTV, £999 fee, min £5k, max £1m

– 2.99% (BBBR + 2.49%) 2 Year Tracker, 90% LTV, £999 fee, min £5k, max £500k

Fixed Rates

Two Year:

– 1.53% 2 Year Fixed, 60% LTV, £999 fee, min £5k, max £1m

– 1.95% 2 Year Fixed, 60% LTV, £999 fee, min £5k, max £1m  (purchase only)

– 1.72% 2 Year Fixed, 70% LTV, £999 fee, min £5k, max £1m

– 2.25% 2 Year Fixed, 75% LTV, £0 fee, min £5k, max £1m (purchase only)

– 2.29% 2 Year Fixed, 80% LTV, £0 fee, min £5k, max £1m (purchase only)

– 2.09% 2 Year Fixed, 85% LTV, £999 fee, min £5k, max £1m

– 2.49% 2 Year Fixed, 85% LTV, £0 fee, min £5k, max £1m (purchase only)

– 2.99% 2 Year Fixed, 90% LTV, £999 fee, min £5k, max £500k

– 3.49% 2 Year Fixed, 90% LTV, £0 fee, min £5k, max £500k (purchase only)

– 1.99% 2 Year Fixed, 60% LTV, £0 fee, min £5k, max £1m (remortgage only)

– 2.24% 2 Year Fixed Great Escape®, 70% LTV, £0 fee, min £50k, max £1m, cash back £250, free legals and non-disclosed valuation (remortgage only)

– 2.35% 2 Year Fixed Great Escape®, 80% LTV, £0 fee, min £50k, max £1m, cash back £250, free legals and non-disclosed valuation (remortgage only)

Three Year

– 2.69% 3 Year Fixed Great Escape®, 60% LTV, £0 fee, min £50k, max £1m, cash back £250, free legals and non-disclosed valuation (remortgage only)

Five Year

– 2.33% 5 Year Fixed, 60% LTV, £1,499 fee, min 5k, max £500k

– 2.39% 5 Year Fixed, 60% LTV, £999 fee, min £5k max £1m

– 2.79% 5 Year Fixed, 60% LTV, £0 fee, min £5k max £1m (purchase only)

– 2.99% 5 Year Fixed, 75% LTV, £0 fee, min £5k max £1m (purchase only)

– 3.69% 5 Year Fixed, 90% LTV, £999 fee, min £5k max £500k

– 2.95% 5 Year Fixed Great Escape®, 70% LTV, £0 fee, min £50k, max £1m, cash back £275, non-disclosed valuation (remortgage only)

– 3.19% 5 Year Fixed Great Escape®, 80% LTV, £0 fee, min £50k, max £1m, cash back £250  free legals and non-disclosed valuation (remortgage only)

Ten Year

– 3.49% 10 Year Great Escape®, 80% LTV, £0 fee, min £50k, max £1m, cash back £250  free legals and non-disclosed valuation (remortgage only)

Help to Buy – Mortgage Guarantee Scheme

– 4.25% 2 Year Fixed, 95% LTV, £0 fee, min £50k, max £570k

– 4.99% 5 Year Fixed, 95% LTV, £0 fee, min £50k, max 570k

Help to Buy – Shared Equity Scheme

– 3.19% 2 Year Fixed, 75% LTV, £0 fee, min £25k, max £450k

Rate Switch

– 2.24% 2 Year Fixed, 70% LTV, £0 fee, min £5k, max £1m

– 2.35% 2 Year Fixed, 80% LTV, £0 fee, min £5k, max £1m

– 2.95% 2 Year Fixed, 70% LTV, £0 fee, min £5k, max £1m

Further Advance

– 2.29% 2 Year Fixed, 80% LTV, £0 fee, min £5k, max £100k

Latest Rate Sheet

Click here to download the latest version of our rate sheet.

The withdrawal process is detailed below:

  • Products will be withdrawn/last KFI/last case booking: Wednesday 21 October
  • New products will be available: Thursday 22 October
  • Last applications: Friday 30 October