Business Reactivation Toolkit

Supporting employers to reopen their business.

The UK Government has now announced plans to ease the COVID-19 Lockdown and encourage a gradual return to work for businesses.

Their focus is very much on ensuring all employers fully commit to making their workplaces safe for staff to return to and, as an employer, you have a duty of care to provide a safe and healthy place of work.

So, for businesses who have closed their doors, or whose staff are either furloughed or working from home, you need to start putting plans in place for reactivating your business now.

The business reactivation toolkit, which is part of our online risk management portal, covers the essential elements to get your business up and running again, from preparing your premises and supporting your people, to ongoing help to encourage your staff to feel confident and safe to return to the workplace.

The BA Online Risk Management facility is available to both you and your commercial clients for just £90.00 (inc VAT) per year.

If you would like to know more, speak with one of our team on 01273 477784 or email

Commercial clients bring a swathe of opportunities – top tips on building a pipeline.

It’s not just about their commercial insurance needs – there is much more you can help them with, whether it be: the mortgage/investments/pensions of the business owner or directors; the company’s employee pensions provision; or its Private Medical Insurance or Group Protection cover. It’s a great opportunity to offer the whole range of protection/insurance. Even if you only handle mortgages and the associated protection insurance, you can still help them find the right covers at the right price for their other needs by partnering with specialists in each area – and receive a share of the income, whilst protecting your clients.

When prospecting commercial clients, the key is to think outside the box.

Do your research, but you may already know more than you realise about these clients if you look after the owner/director’s financial affairs or perhaps the company’s pension or protection plans.

Key information includes:

  • What is their business; what sector do they work in?
  • What is their size? (Turnover, wage roll, number of employees, etc)
  • What is their company history, how has it evolved, has their business changed recently or have they made any new investments? (Perhaps buying a £1m piece of plant or new premises to work from)
  • Do they have plans to move into new areas, change what they do or make future investments? Do they need help in arranging the loan to buy that big ticket item?
  • Are they thinking about their exit strategy, whether it be retiring in a few years, passing it on to a son/daughter or selling up? Do they need any retirement/investment or inheritance planning advice, now or at some stage in the future?
  • What is their annual spend on general insurance and protection, when are their polices due for renewal and when do they next plan a review of their cover?

But above all

  • What keeps them awake at night that you could help them with?

Even if the current policy is not due for renewal soon, find out the renewal date, it helps to build a lead pipeline. This will give you another opportunity to speak to them at a later date, not only about the insurance but also your additional offerings as their mortgage broker/financial adviser.

Whilst some commercial insurances can be relatively straight forward, for instance a shop or office package policy; many firms will require more complex combined insurances which can encompass multiple policies. Such complex cases often require a bespoke insurance solution.

You do not need to be an expert to be able to generate leads – if you feel you don’t have the knowledge to handle particular aspects, pass on as an introduction to a specialist who you trust to do a good job for your client and who will share their recurring income with you.

Top lead generating tips:

  1. New Clients – whatever the enquiry, you are likely to know your client’s occupation. If they are a company director or senior manager, ask if they are responsible for arranging their firm’s business insurance. If self-employed, make sure you obtain the renewal date of their current insurance policy. If they own investment property, someone is insuring it!
  1. Existing clients – You will know more about your existing clients than you may realise. Make sure in your conversations you talk with them about insurance/protection/pension and investment needs. Keep building that pipeline for new opportunities.
  1. Follow up calls – If your client’s policy is not yet due for renewal, build this into your lead pipeline and contact the client at least 4-6 weeks before renewal. Don’t leave it until the last minute as some commercial insurances can take time to package with insurers due to their complexity. You want to give your insurance partner enough time to deliver a brilliant and efficient service that finds the most suitable cover. With large/complex cases, talk to us straight away as we may want to start the conversations months ahead of the renewal date.
  1. Ask for referrals – If your client values your service, ask them to refer you to their key contacts. These could include their suppliers, customers, competitors, neighbouring businesses on their business park or colleagues in a business networking group. A recommendation is often the best way to secure new customers – you are already starting off on a strong footing with that new contact!
  1. Get involved in business networks – whether it be a breakfast club, local business enterprise group, management committee of the local business park/industrial estate or your professional connections (solicitors, accountants, etc). Building these connections leads to enquiries, but only if you ask.
  1. Social media – make sure insurance, protection, pensions and investments form part of your marketing campaigns. They can generate enquiries.
  1. Website – your website may mention your core activities, but does it make reference to these other areas? Let your current and prospective clients know that you can help with all of their financial needs
  1. Build that pipeline – it may take time to build, but if you keep asking the right questions around your clients’ needs, your pipeline will grow. Don’t wait until a few days before renewal to start the conversation, the longer you have to build rapport, the more likely you are to win the case, particularly on the larger and more complex cases.

If you would like to know more on how to successfully build a pipeline, then follow the path of many of our partners and talk with our Business Development team. Email or call 01273 477784.

Lapsed does not mean lost – top General Insurance tip

You may have lost a GI case or two in the previous year but have you considered re-approaching your client to see if you can win back their business? Tough times call for out of the box thinking and at BA this is exactly what we have done to help our brokers/advisers win back some extra GI income.

Our team are contacting brokers/advisers to review all sorts of GI cases that ‘lapsed’ this time last year. Anything from home and landlords, to commercial insurance. Working together we are highlighting cases that could be won back now. This work saw immediate success with one of our accounts recovering a home insurance case and earning around £75 commission. If the case was introduced to us, we are contacting the client directly and that has seen us win back a £650 surgery insurance case, which the broker still earns almost £100 for, with no work at all.

In tough times it is about the support, tools and ideas that providers can give to their business partners and this is one of our top tips.

. Take a look at your historical insurance base; what cases did you lose in late May and early June 2019? If you are not sure, approach the insurance providers and ask them. They should be able to tell you with ease. Then it is over to you, contact your client, update their details and recover that case and income.

Good luck

Our General Insurance product range

* Home insurance
* Non standard home insurance
* High net worth / private clients home insurance
* Landlords insurance – single property and portfolio
* Business Insurance – from small public liability risks to large commercial combined enquiries
and much more

For all your clients insurance needs – Contact the General Insurance Provider of Choice on 01273 477784 or visit

Download our General Insurance product brochure today and take a look at the wide range of products/services we offer brokers and advisers.

Video Training and Development Calls 

During these times, whilst it is not possible to see our development team face to face, we have been running a number of Webex video training sessions / presentations for a number of our distribution partners and broker/advisers.

If you would like to set up a conference video session to

Undertake training on our GI website

Find out how to increase your GI income

Understand our insurance offerings

Or simply to see a different face or hear a different voice

Then call one of our development team on 01273 477784, option 4.

We look forward to ‘seeing’ you