Best Insurance has updated and launched it’s latest platform which is fully mobile compatible.

The brand-new platform, designed for customers and brokers looking to purchase income protection insurance in a quick and efficient manner. Using the latest technology and user interface design, it is now easier than ever to purchase income protection insurance online.

The new site features improved functionality for all devices, easy-to-access information and most importantly, a streamlined quoting system that provides customers with all the tools to buy their income protection policy with confidence. It also hosts a brand new Customer Dashboard, allowing customers to create an account and access their policy documentation with ease.

Kesh Thukuram, co-founder of Best Insurance says “We have noticed more and more customers now want to buy from their mobile devices and are happy to buy online, and we have responded with a robust solution which will allow customers to get what they came looking for from our website”.

Best Insurance’s new website will continue to grow and develop, and provide valuable resources to those seeking information and protection against accident, sickness and unemployment.

What will change for you?

As an adviser, you will now have your own area of the website where you will log in, which will be This can be found in the top right corner of our main website.