Are any of your clients struggling to find a mortgage deal after financially recovering from an unfortunate life event? We wanted to share how we helped Josh secure his mortgage after facing the same challenges. 


Josh and his wife divorced 3 years ago. She left their joint home and left him to pay the mortgage alone – something he wasn’t capable of doing on a single income along with his other credit commitments. 


Despite his best efforts, three defaults were registered against him for £60 – £280 last month due to a dispute with his mobile phone provider, along with a £1000 CCJ six months ago. 


To avoid going to court, Josh sold his home, paid off his debts and started renting. When he was back on his feet, he started looking for somewhere to live. Because he had previous defaults and a recent CCJ, Josh assumed he would struggle to secure a mortgage due to negative credit scores showing on his credit report. 


Luckily, at Bluestone Mortgages, we don’t make decisions based on credit score. Instead, our manual underwriting approach means we can assess Josh’s personal and financial situation – so we can be as flexible as possible. 


Because Josh had paid off all his debts and was looking for a property in his affordability range, we could offer him a mortgage! Josh is now moved into his dream home, and back on his feet again.

Heres how we can help;

  • All CCJ’s/Defaults under £300 ignored
  • All CCJ’s/Defaults over 3 years ignored
  • All Telecommunication CCJ’s/Defaults ignored
  • Up to 4 Defaults and 3 CCJ’s within the last 3 years, none in the last 6 months

Do you have a client like Josh? If so, watch our short video and learn more. It’s not just good business – it’s good ethics.

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If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call on 0800 368 1833