Look no further…

At Bluestone Mortgages, our flexible acceptance criteria can help:

» All CCJ’s under £300 ignored

» All CCJ’s over 3 years ignored

» All Telecommunication CCJ’s ignored

Don’t let a minor or historic CCJ negatively affect your client’s ability to get a credit,
as we give credit, where credit is due.

Round 1 of our 6 Nations competition series is here!
To be in with the chance of winning a £30 Gift Card of your choosing (Amazon, Apple, UberEats, Deliveroo) head over to our LinkedIn page.

If you have any questions, feel free to call us on 0800 368 1833
or alternatively request a call back.

Bluestone Mortgages

T: 0800 368 1833

E: sales@bluestone.co.uk

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