Improvements to Rates, Criteria and Procuration Fees!
Great news! We’ve made some exciting changes to our products and criteria today.

Highlights include:

• Bankruptcy & IVA now back in stock

• Max LTV now 85% for Residential and 80% BTL

• LTV limits increased for A, BBB adverse categories

• £180 admin fee removed

• New 2 & 5 Year Fixed Rates

• 3 Year & Variable Rates reduced

• Fees Assisted Remortgages with no rate increase

• No more than 2 jobs in 2 years rule removed

• Max loan now £1m

• Valuation Fees reduced

As part of our commitment to advisers we’re also enhancing our procuration fees.

Changes are now live on our systems and are being updated on all the sourcing systems.

Full details can be found in our new product guide.

Thanks for your support!

The Lending Team