96.7% of claims that we have received over the last 12 years have been paid but sometimes delays occur in receiving supporting evidence from medical professionals.

This is why we are trialling a new initiative, Immediate Support Payment until March 2018, for claims on policies which have been in force for at least 3 months (subject to eligibility criteria). The new initiative will mean that we will start paying the weekly benefit amount after the expiry of the deferred period, whether the supporting medical evidence has been received or not. The total maximum amount of Immediate Support Payment that we will pay in respect of a claim will be £500.

Immediate Support Payment is a discretionary payment and in the event that the claim is not valid we will reduce any future benefit payments by the amount of Immediate Support Payment that was paid to the member.

This enhancement will help our members receive some financial support at the earliest possible stage of their claim. After all our members are at the heart of everything we do

Why recommend British Friendly?

Here are just a few reasons why we you should recommend us with confidence…

  • We provide cover for up to 70% of your clients’ annual taxable income up to a retirement age of 70, allowing your client to maximise their level of cover.
  • We use a friendly and flexible approach to underwriting from applying own occupation definition throughout all our products, so your client is covered specifically for the job they do.
  • We provide additional discretionary benefits to all our members (both new and existing) at no additional cost so they can get everyday value from their policy whether they’re claiming or not.
  • We don’t limit the number of claims that can be made on a policy and we consistently pay a high number of claims each year – 96.7% over the last 12 years and 92.4% in 2017.

We offer a range of deferred periods from day 1 to 52 weeks plus 1, 2 or 5 year payment periods, allowing you to tailor your clients’ cover to their needs and budget.