We are pleased to announce that we have made a few improvements to our quote and apply system in order to make it faster and easier to apply for Income Protection with us.

Improvements to our quote and apply system include:

  • Our online application is now linked with our online medical questionnaire which means you no longer need to login twice during the application process.


  • We have removed the ‘My Documents’ shortcut on our homepage menu which previously prompted you to login to the online medical questionnaire as this has now been integrated with our online application. To access your documents or to complete an unfinished online medical questionnaire simply login to your account.


  • Our online medical questionnaire will now pre-populate your client’s details including name, date of birth, benefit, deferred period, etc.

We are continually reviewing ways we can improve our quote and apply system. We hope these changes will make your quote and apply journey an even better experience.

If you have any questions about these changes, please contact our Telephone Account Managers on 01234 358344 or on support@britishfriendly.com.

Start your client’s application today
click here

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