A recent report from IMLA ( Mortgage Market Tracker Q3 2019) showed that on average, firms handling specialist mortgages receive 28 DIPs each quarter  and of  these only 56% result in an offer*.  If you are one of those firms who has an unusual cases and have been frustrated that nobody is listening here at Bucks  we are here to support you with these cases using empowered underwriters who will really listen to you and share that same sense of achievement in putting a complex deal together. If you have that case on your desk now give us a call and see what we can do for your business.  When you finally find the right lender it is a relief and immensely satisfying when you call your client with the good news.

Why not contact us today and discuss your cases with one of our underwriters.

For more details and information visit www.bucksbs.co.uk/intermediaries or call our team directly Tel: 01494 879517 Email: intermediaries@bucksbs.co.uk  To register for BrokerOnline  click here to complete an on-line registration/application.

* This 56% is calculated by taking: 81% of DIPS result in a DIP accept, 80% of DIP accepts result in an application, 86% of applications result in an offer (81% x 80% x 86% = 56%)
