Right to Build is a BIG deal for you and your clients.  Learn how you can maximise this opportunity and support your client’s wishing to build or commission their own homes with a free ‘Right to Build’ Roadshow from BuildLoan.

Since April 2016, Local Authorities in England have had a duty to keep a register of people, wishing a serviced plot on which to build or commission a home.

To date, 33,000 people have signed up to these ‘Right to Build’ Registers and these figures must be matched by planning permissions in 2019/20.  Numbers will continue to grow, as awareness of Right to Build spreads – and as a mortgage intermediary, these customers will expect your help to arrange their mortgages.

Make sure you understand how to handle mortgages for your homebuilding clients – it requires a specialist approach!

  • Find out how self and custom build works, the perception and the reality
  • Get an insight into construction types, lender criteria and cashflow requirements for different project types.
  • Learn how to make sure you recommend the best product and stay compliant
  • Meet the lenders involved in this specialist market and find out more about their products

Choose from one of four locations:

  • Wednesday 2nd May – Solihull
  • Thursday 3rd May – Manchester Bury
  • Tuesday 12th June – Maidstone
  • Wednesday 13th June – Essex

The opportunities are coming – make sure you’re ready for them!