Our products are not just for the expatriate or people living / working away from their country of residence.

Whilst we do still provide cover for that market, we are seeing a rise in requests from senior managers or owners of businesses, as well as the more affluent clients (HNW) who are resident in the UK and although they may travel or have a second home elsewhere, they are seeking comprehensive benefits that allow them ease of use (no GP referral required to see a specialist) and freedom of choice as to where they receive any treatment that may be required.

With so many options available in the IPMI market today, it is difficult to compare apples against apples based on benefits and / or services however, it is our service promise that our clients enjoy the most. Knowing that the promise they purchase will deliver when they need it most is what keeps our customers with us.

Below is a summary of our products.

LifeLine Plan

The Lifeline product offers Essential (cover for hospitalisation, Inpatient and Day-case treatment and out-patient surgical operations), Classic (cover for the same as Essential but also for out-patient specialist consultations, out-patient diagnostic tests with a very limited maternity benefit) and Gold (cover for the same as Classic but with the addition of GP consultations and prescription medicines. Cover is available on a worldwide including or excluding the USA with the option of having emergency evacuation cover included.

Worldwide Health Options Plan

The Worldwide Health Options plan is our modular plan. The core cover is the minimum requirement to purchase which provides cover for the hospitalisation, Inpatient and Day-case treatment and out-patient surgical operations. All other modules are options. Worldwide Medical Plus provides benefits for out-patient treatment and consultations. Worldwide Medicines and Equipment covers that. Worldwide Wellbeing provides benefits for specific health screening tests and Worldwide Evacuation is an option to include cover for evacuation and repatriation should it be required.

Health Plans

The Major Medical and Global Health Plans are our more comprehensive products in that the cover is offered on a global basis including the USA. The Major Medical plan covers just that (In-patient, day case treatment and out-patient surgical operations) and includes a standard deductible of £5000 which will see the premium reduce significantly. The Select plan is the exception and is offered with geographical cover for Europe only. It provides limited benefits for in and out-patient treatment. The Premier, Elite and Ultimate plans all offer different levels of benefit limits. Maternity is available on Elite and Ultimate, with children under the age of 10 years being included for free. Our Ultimate plan is our most comprehensive plan with very few limits or restrictions. Those choosing this level of cover will receive access to our private clients service team which offers them their own private client account manager.

For clients located in the UK, it may sometimes be the case that our Global Health Plans are available at a more competitive price with full global cover than the other plans. Therefore, it could be a better option for the client.

How to Quote

As you will see, there are a lot of products and levels to consider. Some plans will only be available in certain geographical locations and therefore, depending on what the client is requesting, it is always worth discussing the clients’ needs with us so that we may provide the appropriate product information and quotes. This can be done by sending the following information to our team via brokereuro@bupaintl.com

– name of client (and those to be covered)

– nationality (for purpose of the quote)

– date(s) of birth of those requiring cover

– country of residence and where the client will spend most of their time

– proposed start date of plan

– preferred currency and payment frequency

– USA cover preferred (standard inclusion on our Global Health plans with exception of our Select level of cover)

– benefits required (what is important to the client? Or which level of cover your client requires?)

On occasion, we may need to ask further questions. Alternatively, if you are aware of a specific medical condition that exists, it may help to provide details at the time of request so that we can advise whether detailed information will be required.


I do hope that the above information proves to be useful to you. If I can be of further assistance to you or if you would like to discuss details of the plans, please do not hesitate to contact either myself or the team.

Mark Norman

M +44 (0)7840 638 664

E mark.norman@bupa.com

W bupaglobal.com