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GDPR: what you need to know
Reminder of changes to membership process for backdating member lapses
Updates to our eligibility criteria

Market Update
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Reminder of changes to membership process for backdating member lapses

You’ll be aware of the upcoming GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and how part of this is to ensure all member data is processed and kept up to date. As a reminder and to ensure that we adhere to our contractual obligations, from the 1st April, our contractual Terms of Business state that clients should provide us written notice within one month, of any main member who ceases to be covered by the Scheme.

You don’t need to do anything as the Terms of Business form part of the pre and post-sale documentation.

If you have any questions about this change, please contact your account manager.

Our updated intermediary terms of business agreement for health insurance

Safeguarding privacy and personal information for you and your clients
Read our update around GDPR and our updated privacy policy.
We’ve amended our clinical services contracts
We’ve sent our clinical services customers an amended contract in line with GDPR.
To see the new contract click below.
what's new

Updates to our eligibility criteria
You might have noticed that we’re requesting more information from you to ensure your customers meet our eligibility criteria. To help you understand what’s needed, here’s a handy checklist to help you make sure that you send us up-to-date information about your new and renewing clients from 1 October 2018 so we can enrol and renew them faster:
Name of organisation
Organisation address
Legal status of the organisation eg company number available from Companies House
Name of policyholder
How will premiums be paid? Please note – payments cannot be made from personal bank accounts
If you’ve got any questions, please contact your account manager. We’re here to help.</td >
Bupa in the media
Alex Perry, CEO, Bupa Insurance:
Business Mental Health Advantage: Bupa’s response to one of the biggest people issues facing UK business
Pablo Vandenabeele, Bupa Clinical Director:
Business Mental Health Advantage: the next step in the wellbeing revolution
Wealthy professionals more
likely to drink alcohol regularly
“David Hynam, CEO, Bupa UK, among others writes that in the past week more than 42,000 people have signed an online petition urging the government to change the law so that employers have the same obligation to provide mental health first aiders.”
The Times, 23rd May 2018
Talking Points

Bupa sleep hub – what’s keeping your employees up at night?
Sleep-deprived workers are costing the UK economy £40bn a year and face a higher risk of death. There’s a growing body of research that indicates that poor sleep leads to a variety of harmful negative organisational outcomes, including increased work-related injuries and unethical behavior including cyberloafing.

Bupa’s sleep hub looks at practical ways employees can use to take care of themselves and make sure they’re getting enough sleep. We’ve teamed up with Simba to look at the reasons behind insomnia, and how to try and tackle them.

Find out more
During Mental Health Awareness week, Dr. Jenny Lesser hosted a Facebook Live Q&A looking at the link between sleep and stress.
Watch back the recording