CherykProduct Transfers

Birmingham Midshires – Please note that Birmingham Midshires (BMS) do not produce a copy of the Mortgage Offer for all Product transfers and therefore please ignore the requirement to attach a copy of the Offer to the Key.

Halifax – Please note that Halifax do produce a copy of the Offer for all Product Transfers. A copy of the Offer must be attached to the key.

New Product Transfer Process – There has been some confusion regarding the new  Product Transfer process. The new sales process consists of:
1) a simplified sales process and
2) a new sales process

Download product transfer process here

You can also find the process on the document library of the site under ‘P’ for ‘Product Transfers’

The simplified sales process applies to the original advice being provided by the same FIRM and the clients  are now coming back to you for the Product Transfer.  If the FIRM name has changed since the original advice, the NEW product transfer sales process must take place

Verification of Original Documents

Please ensure that in all cases you verify  ALL documents as copies of original. Your verification must include your name, signature and date.

Fact Find

Please ensure you complete the ‘contact details’ for Employment.

Close Sale Tab on the Key

Please ensure that the ‘closed sale tab’ on the Key is only used  for client cases that are NOT proceeding. There have been instances where the ‘closed sale tab’ has been used in error once the case has completed. This will result in the client file being closed down and you will not have access to the fact find.  Please only use the ‘close sale tab’ once you are no longer proceeding with this case.