Mental Health doesn’t discriminate…

Young or old, male or female, married or single. Mental health can affect anybody.

In 2017/18, the number of working days lost due to work-related stress, anxiety and depression reached 15.4 million1.

Speaking out and having someone there is important to anyone, especially those who suffer with mental health. That’s why with our contracts we provide Friendly Voice. This service is free, confidential and provides practical advice, counselling, therapies and much more…

Therefore, not only do we protect your client’s earnings if they are signed off work due to illness or injury, but we also provide them emotional support when they need us the most.

To find out how our award winning income protection contracts can protect your clients, call our Sales Team on 0800 587 5098, option 2 or visit our website.

1 Figures from Health and Safety Executive (HSE)