Our My Earnings Protected income protection contract could be ideal for your clients, whether they are employed, self-employed, renting or have a mortgage.

With no loadings for occupation, smoking or hazardous pursuits, My Earnings Protected also features guaranteed premium rates, with a choice of level or annually escalating premiums.

My Earnings Protected also offers Guaranteed Insurability Options, allowing your clients to increase their cover following life events, such as an increase in their mortgage, and without medical underwriting!

Alongside these great features, your clients also get access to our suite of Member Benefits, including, Children’s Critical Illness Support, Member Rewards, Friendly Voice, Fitbit discounts and The 125 Foundation.

Find out more by calling our Sales Team on 0800 587 5098, by emailing Sales@cirencester-friendly.co.uk or by viewing our ‘All you need to know’ Card.