Our underwriters are able to assess each case manually and on merit. This personal approach means we could help a wider range of your clients.

  • Non-standard income – We’ll discuss non-standard income streams and more complex income structures to see if we can find a way to assist your clients;
  • Self-employed – To calculate income, we use net profit before tax (and in the case of a Ltd. Company, add the director’s remuneration), averaged over a two year period or we use the latest year if this is lower than the previous year;
  • Contractors – Where criteria is met, we will work from the contract rate and gross up by 46 weeks;
  • Multiples – While ultimately we assess applications based upon overall affordability, as a general guide we can offer mortgages up to 5x income. For applications >4.5x up to a maximum of 5x income we would recommend an initial discussion with your Relationship Partner to consider the overall proposition;
  • Credit history – As we assess cases individually, we will consider justifiable isolated credit failures as part of the overall profile to see if we can assist. We adopt a flexible approach for FTBs who may have limited credit history.