Crystal Specialist Finance (CSF) issued terms on £509.7m worth of business from April to June, the first time the company has surpassed the half-a-billion figure in just one quarter.

In the same period new business applications were up 127% with completions rising by 52% across 27 different lenders, including both High Street and Challenger banks.

Deals highlights include a £2.6m re-bridge, a £1.6m Limited Company buy-to-let portfolio purchase, an £800,000 residential development loan, a one-day completion at the NACFB Commercial Finance Expo show in June and a £120,000 second-charge bridging loan sourced the day after the EU Referendum.

The remarkable quarter is 90% up on the £268.5m issued in the same period last year and means the business has issued terms on £910.7m in the first six months of 2016, a massive 48% increase on the first six months of 2015.

Jo Breeden, Managing Director of CSF said: “At the turn of the year I challenged the team to beat 2015’s record of £1 billion, and to be touching on this figure after only six months is testament to every aspect of our business and our growing relationship with brokers nationwide.

“As we have constantly proven our ability to secure excellent products across all manner of deals – including declined cases, expats and specialist, as well as securing the best options on standard applications – our reputation has grown and more brokers than ever are sending in their cases.

“Moving forward we continue to invest in staff, which includes the recent appointment of Dan Morris as Key Account Manager, we have launched a new online broker portal and announced the latest series of national workshops. The landscape may have changed, but we will continue to thrive through excellence.”

Crystal Specialist Finance operates across five specialist core divisions: Bridging, Commercial, Development Funding, Second Charge Loans and Specialist Mortgages. Open to applications on all types of properties in England, Scotland and Wales, the company has access to over 70 lenders, including exclusive product lines.