Hi everyone, this week I am chatting to Ross Linnett from Recite Me.

Ross has dyslexia and has developed an accessibility and language toolbar, that helps people to adapt websites to their needs. We have it integrated into our website, the Special Risks Bureau, and it is incredible.

I’m chatting to Ross about why he decided to develop this software and how important it is for businesses to think about these things. We talk about what it is like when you are dyslexic and how when you are faced with insurance documentation, you sometimes avoid getting the cover so that you don’t have to deal with the paperwork.

The 3 key takeaways:

  1. How providing accessible websites and services, is a legal requirement for UK businesses.
  2. Statistics show that businesses are losing out on 25% of their customers, through a lack of accessibility, estimated to be worth £7billion.
  3. Recite Me only requires a couple of lines of coding, to be integrated into your website, to improve your customer outreach.

Next week I will be chatting with Alison Esson from AIG. We are going to be talking about the different services that are available with the Smart Health support that they offer and their new critical illness offering.

We would love to hear your feedback!

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Episode 11 of Season 2, can be accessed here:

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