We are thrilled to announce that this week we were joined by our first guest, Mike Adams OBE. Mike is an incredible speaker and advocate for improving access to products and services, for people with disabilities.

Purple have gained significant attention in recent years with Purple Tuesday, a day where all organisations are asked to truly think about how they can improve access to their offerings, and improve the overall customer experience. Although this shouldn’t just be one day a year, it should be embedded in a company’s ethos.

In this episode we discuss how the insurance industry has made big improvements to improve access to insurance and whether more can still be done for access to fairer terms or a more individual approach to underwriting and the application process.

Our 3 key takeaways:

  1. The consumer spending power of the disabled community, the Purple Pound, stands at £249 billion per year!
  2. For years people with disabilities have asked for and many have been denied support to work from home. The coronavirus lockdown has shown that this is possible for many organisations to adapt to employees working from home.
  3. There are roughly 300,000 people per year that need additional medical underwriting for protection insurance. Insurers need to develop ways to adapt their medical underwriting processes, due to the limitations on medical resources that coronavirus is causing.

We hope that you enjoy this episode and that Mike’s message of a continued need for equality in these troubling times, is heard by all more than ever.

We would love to hear your feedback! Please let us know what you think of this episode and if you have any suggestions for future episodes. Next time we are focusing on Multiple Sclerosis, if you have any queries surrounding protection insurance in relation to MS, then please get in touch and we may be able to answer these on the episode.

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Episode 5 of the Practical Protection Podcast can be accessed here:


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