Welcome to Season 2 of the Practical Protection Podcast, and Kathryn’s first solo hosting outing! She is thrilled to introduce special guest Catherine Morgan to start the season off.

They’ll be discussing people’s mindsets and embedded beliefs, which dictate how we feel about finances and whether we do or don’t trust insurance.

Catherine shares her experience of applying for insurance having had Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and a recent claim on private medical insurance.

The 3 key takeaways:

  1. 90% of our decisions are based upon emotions.
  2. The typical types of questions that will be asked about post-traumatic stress disorder and eating disorders, when you apply for protection insurance.
  3. Two case study clients that have experienced PTSD and the insurances that were available to them, including a specific life insurance that has a permanent self-harm and suicide exclusion.

Catherine owns The Money Panel and has her own podcast In Her Financial Shoes. This year she has also launched a financial coaching programme and we recommend that you take a look at it.

Next time Kathryn will be joined by Roger Edwards and they will be covering what they like in marketing and insurance, also some dislikes and no no’s.

Kathryn would love to hear your feedback!

Please get in touch: podcast@curainsurance.co.uk
Or through the Podcast’s Twitter and Facebook pages:

Twitter: @ThePPPuk

Facebook: @PracticalProtectionPodcast

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Episode 1 of Season 2, along with all episodes from Season 1 of the Practical Protection Podcast, can be accessed here:

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