In her latest CuraVision The ABCs, Kathryn talks about Hannah*. Hannah had been living with HIV for a number of years, had a long history of depression and had been diagnosed with autism a few years before speaking with Cura.

After conversations with Hannah it was determined that she already had some insurance in place, covering roughly half of her mortgage. It was decided that it was much better for her, cost wise, to keep this cover and for Cura to arrange a top up with an additional life insurance policy to cover the remainder of the mortgage liability.

Having discussed decreasing and level options with Hannah, she decided to go ahead with a level life insurance policy, so that her partner would always know the sum assured of the cover for the next 20 years. Hannah chose a level life insurance policy of £125,000 over 20 years for a monthly premium of approximately £38.

To find out more about arranging protection insurance for customers who are living with HIV, please visit the Cura website below, where you can read our guide in full:

*Details are anonymised