DMS is not just any old STIP/ASU Provider, DMS is uniquely different.


No other Provider offers all of this:

  • You can speak directly to our Underwriter.
  • Each case is fully underwritten at application stage.
  • Scope of cover set out clearly.
  • Pre-Existing Conditions excluded are shown on the Certificate.
  • Advisers are copied in on all communications with Clients – letters, emails, telephone call confirmations and correspondence from the Claims Manager.
  • Advisers are immediately informed when premium has been missed.
  • Lowest published claims declined statistics in the ASU/STIP market.
  • Claims declined because of the Initial Exclusion Period will receive refund of premium and Fresh Start Back Into Work Service.
  • Pre-Validation of monthly outlay guarantees benefit payment level without further enquiries on expenses.
  • Applications normally on cover within the hour.
  • DMS Plus policy – 30 day Initial Exclusion Period, lowest in the market.
  • DMS Value policy, lowest cost, with just 60 days Initial Exclusion Period.
  • Business Guard policy – cover for clients running their own business. Unique in that no enquiries are made on income or profit either at application or claim stage.


For more information click here or download the DMS Administrative Procedures Guide here.