No one knows whether Brexit will happen on October 31.

If it does will it be with an agreement between UK and the EU or without?

How many jobs might be lost in the near future because of it?

No one knows what is going to happen.

What we do know, what is absolutely certain is that redundancy causes an immediate financial crisis for many families.  It doesn’t matter how low the unemployment rate is, the impact on a family where the main wage earner is made redundant will often be horrendous.

Once redundancies in a firm are announced it is too late for employees there to buy redundancy insurance.

What will you answer to your Client’s question:  “Why didn’t you tell me I could insure against this?”

Emergency cover:

Employed Client age 30, monthly benefit £1,000, redundancy cover, first monthly benefit payable on day 31 of unemployment and payable for up to 6 months:

Costs just £17.58 per month before adviser commission is added.