Recruiting and retaining talent is essential for the success of every organisation, and with workplace health and wellbeing becoming an increasingly important driver for career decisions, meeting this challenge is the focus of our latest Health Insights event.
Healthy relationships lay the foundation for healthier workplaces and supported teams — and that puts line managers at the frontline of talent retention. But recent research reveals room for improvement.
Two-thirds of staff who rate their manager as poor are considering quitting their job within the year.¹ Yet many managers feel unsupported, with three out of four believing they lack the skills needed to fulfil their role and maximise engagement.²
To address this need, we explore the skills and attributes which make a good line manager, and offer some simple strategies and resources to meet this challenge
Rewatch the latest LIVE event
The competition for talent has never been fiercer and many employers are looking for opportunities to refresh their plans to attract and retain employees. As workplace health and wellbeing becomes a more significant part of any talent strategy, our live event explores the changing remit of line managers, and their critical role in workplace wellbeing.
Winning the talent challenge
One in five managers believes workplace wellbeing and mental health will be crucial for recruiting talent.³
Empower your frontline managers
Spending on employee wellbeing is set to climb by 13%4 but training and resources for line managers will shape what this delivers.
Supporting multi-generational teams
Multi-generational teams demand tailored wellbeing support. The Menopause Workplace Pledge delivers it for a key demographic.
Want more insight?
Take a look at our Workplace Health Insights page where you will find the latest healthcare trends, interviews with medical experts and global leaders as well as specialist insight from Bupa: all designed to keep you and your organisation one step ahead.
The download
Here’s a few of our favourite resources for you to read and share.
Glint and LinkedIn Learning: Manager Insights
Read more >
Business In the Community: The Workwell Model
Read more >
Exploring Reverse Mentoring: “Win-Win” Relationships in The Multi-Generational Workplace
Read more >
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Explore our Academy
Watch the latest Bupa Menopause academy module to hear practical tips and tools on how line managers can be better equipped to open-up and normalise conversations around menopause in the workplace.
We’d love to hear what you think
If you have any feedback or ideas of what you would like to see in future editions of Workplace Health Insights, please get in touch at: healthinsights@bupa.com