Helping to keep more clients for longer

We’re doing even more to boost your general insurance earnings! Our Home Insurance re-broke service is designed to ensure your client’s renewal price remains competitive by automatically searching our panel of insurers for the lowest premium, should the cost of their Home Insurance significantly increase at renewal.

Enhancement to our re-broke service

We’ve now updated the consent to re-broke option on our website to be automatically ticked.

However, if your client is sure they will want to remain with their chosen insurer at renewal, then the consent to re-broke option can simply be un-ticked before proceeding with the application.

Why have we done this?

Your clients shouldn’t feel the need to shop around at renewal as we’ll now automatically provide them with a more competitive quote, if we notice a significant increase in their premium.

This not only helps to keep our panel renewal pricing competitive but also protects your long term earnings.

Read more about our re-broke Service, or to book a consultation call with our Sales Team click here.