If we haven’t met yet, why not?

Here at Enterprise Finance, we take pride in building real relationships with intermediaries, so you have access to a dedicated, field-based contact no matter where you are in the UK.

We’re here to make your job that little bit easier – helping you provide compliant, best advice to your clients, not forgetting market-leading rates and commissions. Enterprise can also see the whole process through from enquiry to completion for you.

Across the nation we’re often dealing with intermediaries with client cases involving:

  • Light to heavy property refurbishments
  • Auction purchases
  • Funds to purchase and develop residential and commercial properties
  • Chain breaking and lease extensions
  • Lending to clients with varying and complex circumstances including those with less than a perfect credit score and older borrowers
  • Most legal purposes considered including repayment of personal and business-related tax bills
  • Buy-to-Let first charge mortgages not available from the high street due to property or applicant complexity

Whether it’s second charges, bridging finance, development finance, complex buy-to-let or commercial mortgages, we have the extensive experience and access to help.

So, if you’d like a chat or a meeting to discuss opportunities, or a more complicated deal on your desk – drop us a line or give us a call today on 020 8731 5333.

We look forward to speaking with you soon.