Enterprise Finance has just released its latest, short, introductory video guide. Following on from our Second Charge Mortgages and Bridging Loans guides, the new video is an introduction to Complex Buy-to-Let and related Commercial Mortgages.

At the beginning of the year, in the run-up to the Mortgage Credit Directive, we ran educational seminars explaining the implications of MCD for brokers. We surveyed around 100 participants and asked them what other product areas they’d like to know more about. Complex BTL and Commercial were both of major interest, which is why we’ve developed this online video.

In around 10 minutes, you’ll learn the key dimensions that make a BTL mortgage complex enough to fall out of the High Street’s lending criteria, as well as how and when specialist providers can step in and still get the deal done. You’ll also get a brief overview of commercial mortgages – many of which will have a BTL component – and how lenders underwrite them.

The video can be found here on our website. Of course, it’s just a brief overview of a varied area of specialist finance. If what you see whets your appetite and you’d like to get the full picture, or if you have a client in this situation who’s been turned down by the mainstream lenders, feel free to give us a call on 020 8731 5333 or email sales@enterprisefinance.co.uk. One of our national team of BDMs would be happy to discuss this with you.

Either way, we hope you’ll find these videos useful and interesting, and a helpful step in opening up new business opportunities for you. We’d welcome any feedback you have.

Best regards,


Harry Landy,‎ Sales Director, Enterprise Finance