It’s a good question. But easy for us to answer.

The harder question might be, why are you not working with us – especially this month?

In our intermediary network updates last week, we spoke about anticipating a surge in business this month for you in the world of complex Buy-to-Let. This forecast comes from the unprecedented spike in BTL mortgage lending two years ago as investors sought to complete purchases before the Government’s 3% BTL Stamp Duty surcharge.

With estimates suggesting that as much as 50% of those mortgages were written on 2-year fixed rates, this month marks the point where a very large volume of these deals will expire.

The challenge is that remortgaging on the High Street is now more difficult. Working with a specialist finance distributor like Enterprise Finance could therefore be a very useful way to help your landlord clients find a solution when the High Street says no.

Here are the key factors that are making remortgaging more challenging for landlords:

  • Personal income tax changes on BTL mortgage interest relief
  • The PRA-regulated affordability calculations to meet new stress-testing criteria
  • The PRA’s portfolio landlord restrictions
  • Meeting new Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards by the 1st April

So why ask us about the specialist BTL mortgages our panel can offer? Here are four key reasons why intermediaries choose to work with Enterprise Finance in particular:

  1. Established

We’ve been working exclusively with intermediaries since 2002. Since then we’ve written over £3.5bn of secured loans, with a conversion rate over 45%.

More about us

  1. Face-to-face support
    We believe in building real relationships with intermediaries, so you have a dedicated, field-based contact on hand wherever you are.

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  1. Knowledge Sharing
    We recognise the importance of understanding products. So we have a video library to help you learn the whys, whens and hows of specialist finance.

Watch our webinars

  1. Product Expertise
    Our consistently large volumes of business to a wide and varied panel of lenders, means we can access and negotiate the best deals for your clients.

Explore our products

So, for a quick chat, a meeting to discuss opportunities, or a more complicated deal on your desk – drop us a line or give us a call today on 020 8731 5333.