We’ve made big changes to our online journey, so with fewer clicks you can give your clients faster Income Protection cover.

Why try British Friendly?

  • Our improved online medical and lifestyle questionnaire has just 9 high level questions across 6 pages, you could be a few clicks away from completing an application on behalf of your client
  • Our refined question set captures even more information to help speed up underwriting
  • Our questions are grouped by physical and mental wellbeing – helping your clients easily follow their application journey; plus, our Mental Health questions are aligned with ABI Mental Health Standards
  • We’ve increased our maximum benefit level on Protect to £61,250 per year covering up to £100,000 gross annual income, welcoming higher earners in securing cover with us.

Explore our cover

Get a Quote here.

Explore our Adviser Toolkit here.

For any questions, support or training, please contact our Sales Team at sales@britishfriendly.com or by calling 01234 358344.

With no underwriting, wide accessibility, and a straightforward application process, EverydayProtect could potentially cover those clients who can’t find protection elsewhere. To find out more about EverydayProtect and the latest features, visit our webpage and download our guides that can help you show your clients how EverydayProtect could help them understand the many benefits it can offer.

Or, to speak to us and find out more, call the Protection team on 01273 876111 or visit the MetLife TRM portal pages.