All products are available with immediate effect with lifetime trackers replacing our previous pay rate trackers, plus the return of 80% LTV options for both. The new individual products are:

  • A two-year 80% LTV fix at 3.79%.
  • A 75% LTV lifetime tracker at 4%.

Both products come with a 1% fee and rent is calculated at 125% at 5%.

The new limited company products for those using corporate structures are:

  • A two-year 80% LTV fix at 4.39%.
  • A 75% LTV lifetime tracker at 4.2%.
  • A 65% LTV lifetime tracker at 4%.

All three products come with a 1.5% fee and again rent is calculated at 125% at 5%.

Both new 80% LTV product options for individuals and limited company borrowers come with a maximum loan size of £500k; the maximum loan size up to 75% LTV is £750k, and up to 70% LTV is £1m

Visit our website for more details