Foreign National and Expat referral route through 3mc

We have arranged for TRM advisers to introduce Foreign National and Ex Pats clients to the packager 3mc. The service offered covers all types of enquiries including residential, Buy to Let, portfolio Buy to Let, bridging and commercial. Lenders on panel are…

Process to refer

To refer a client to 3mc please email a case summary to include:

(if you do not have all the below information then 3mc can obtain on initial call)

  • Background income of the client and what they do for a living?
  • Current location, are they British or Foreign National?
  • How many properties the client owns with or without a mortgage?
  • Are any properties in the UK?
  • What is the client looking to do?

Client Name(s)

Contact details


Phone number

Best time to call (considering time zone)

3mc will then set up a case which will be linked to the introducers 3mcview account so updates can be provided and 3mc can produce management information for TRM.  If an introducer is not registered with 3mc, they can register by clicking this link –

Updates will be provided at key stages on the progress of the case:

  1. Confirmation contact has been made and the client has been booked in with an adviser or still trying to establish contact.
  2. Once a 3mc adviser has spoken to the client and the case can proceed or reason the case cannot proceed.
  3. The client does want to proceed with the product options provided and requirements have been issued or the client does not want to proceed, and the case has been closed.
  4. Application has been submitted
  5. Offer has been issued
  6. Case has completed and commission paid to TRM

When you pass your client to 3mc, the client is taken through the 3mc advice process.

The client is ring fenced under the introducer and network and recorded on their CRM system. If the client comes back to 3mc at any point in the future, the introducer will receive the same percentage of the overall revenue each time

*3mc will pay TRM 25% gross of the overall revenue earned at completion

3mc charge a broker fee on full application to the client, this is set out in their terms of business which is provided at initial enquiry stage. The fee is charged after all of the research is conducted by their advisers and the client is provided with a decision in principle accept.

Broker Fee1st CaseAdditional Cases
*Broker Introducer£495£295

For further information or to discuss a case, please contact 0161 962 7800 option 3 or email

*Less TRM charge