Foundation Home Loans have today made some changes to their BTL products, withdrawing most of the 65% LTV products, repricing several 75% LTV fixed rates and also reducing their F1 2-year 75% LTV discount rate by 1.15% to 2.49%, as well as introducing a new 80% LTV 2-year discount product.

New discount product:

  • New F1 2-year discount, 80% LTV at 2.99% (reversion – 2.50% discount)
  • No ERCs
  • For both purchases and remortgages
  • Maximum loan size of £500k at 80% LTV
  • 2% fee

To find out more about Foundations buy to let products, download the

product guide below.


Why use Foundation for your next BTL case?

Who for?

  • Individual or limited company
  • Limited companies with complex structures
  • Up to 4 directors
  • Newly incorporated limited companies acceptable
  • No minimum term of employment/self-employment and no minimum income
  • Products for first time landlords
  • Ex-pats considered for limited companies only

How much?

  • Up to 80% LTV on core range
  • Loans up to £2m on core range
  • ICR of 125% for limited company borrowers and basic rate taxpayers and 145% for others
  • No limit to portfolio size, subject to maximum borrowing of £5m with Foundation

What for?

  • Specialist properties such as HMOs, short term lets and Multi Unit Blocks
  • HMOs: up to 8 bedrooms and MUBs: up to 10 units
  • Green Mortgages available for purchase and remortgage