Income protection for musculoskeletal conditions 

The most recent UK official statistics* show that more working days – almost 31 million – were lost to musculoskeletal conditions, including back pain, than any other cause in 2013.

For some people in constant pain, a return to work can prove impossible. It is then that financial pressures can mount. There is a real chance that your clients will experience some sort of musculoskeletal issue during a working life, so financial planning for loss of income can make perfect sense.

Income protection matters

An income protection policy can step in with financial, emotional and physical support. As well as the monthly financial benefit, your clients will have access to financial support for chiropractic, osteopathy and physiotherapy treatments. The support provided can help take the pressure off families, so your client can concentrate on their recovery.

Visit our adviser site to find out more on how having a policy can help

Income protection claims at a glance**

  • Musculoskeletal conditions are responsible for 16% of claims, making it the second highest cause of income protection claims
  • The average length of a claim was over 8 years
  • The average claimant age was 43


Terms and conditions apply.

* Office for National Statistics –

** Friends Life claims in payment 31/12/2014.