Message from Friends Life

With 1 in 2 people born after 1960 in the UK being diagnosed with some form of cancer in their lifetime

[1], the prevalence is hard to ignore.

NHS England is reviewing its spending and will shortly remove the funding for more than 20 cancer drugs from the Cancer Drug Fund [2], including certain medications for breast, blood and pancreatic cancers. So, even though the UK’s healthcare system is advanced, sometimes the very latest or leading treatment options or medications are not available, even privately. With Global Treatment your clients have access to the world’s best doctors and most advanced treatments. As well as covering surgery, travel and accommodation costs, it also provides up to £50,000 towards the ongoing cost of approved medications that are not fully funded, or only partially funded by the NHS.

Global Treatment gives your clients access to vital medication that’s not ordinarily available or affordable. All for an additional £4 a month, with any Protect+ cover.

To find out more:

* Read Edward’s story

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[1] Cancer Research UK, October 2015

[2] NHS England, October 2015

Global Treatment is provided in association with Best Doctors. Best Doctors is a registered trademark of Best Doctors, Inc. Used with permission