We have introduced two additional questions at the point of application for individuals and small groups applying for cover for General & Medical Healthcare on either a Continued Moratorium or CPME basis. These will be included within the online and downloadable application form as follows:

  • If your application is for less than 6 adults, do you, or anyone else on your application, have symptoms which may require any treatment, investigations or tests, whether privately or via the NHS, in the next 6 months?
  • If your application is for less than 20 adults, do you, or anyone else on your application, have any long-term or chronic conditions?

Actions and Supporting Documents

  • All immediately affected documents are live on our website and available to download.
  • All further affected documents will be available on our website when they come into effect.
  • Please ensure that you log in to your Broker Area to view and download the new versions of our brochures and discard any old copies.

To do this, click on the ‘Brokers’ link at the top of our website homepage, and select ‘Registered Brokers’ from the available options, at which you will be prompted to enter your login details. You can also click this link which will take you to the login page: https://www.generalandmedical.com/Intermediaries/Login.aspx

Once logged in, please click on ‘Download Brochures’ to view and download up to date versions of our brochures and application forms.

Please direct any queries to our Broker Support Team on 0800 980 4601 / 01733 362 872 or brokerquotes@generalandmedical.com

Kind regards,
General & Medical Healthcare
Tel: 01733 233200
Fax: 01733 362888