Here at General & Medical Healthcare we are continually reviewing our products in line with the market and we have made significant changes to both our consumer and corporate health insurance covers. For our consumer covers, we have replaced our Equs and Altus covers with the following ranges (please note that the benefits and prices remain the same).

New Product NameOld Product Name
EssentialsEqus Key
Essential PlusAltus Key
Everyday PlusEqus Plus
Lifestyle PlusAltus Plus
EliteAltus Elite


For our corporate covers, we have replaced our Equs and Altus covers with the following ranges (please note that the benefits and prices remain the same).

New Product NameOld Product Name
Business PrimeAltus Key
Module 1Altus
Module 2Altus Plus
Business EliteAltus Elite


These changes will be effective from 01st October 2017 and have been detailed in the ‘News and Updates’ section within your Broker Area on our website, for your reference.


Please log in to your Broker Area using your Introducer Number and Password, and click on ‘News and Updates’ within the navigation to view details of the changes:


Please direct any queries to our Broker Support Team on 0800 980 4601 / 01733 362 872 or


Kind regards,

General & Medical Healthcare
Tel: 01733 233200
Fax: 01733 362888