Harpenden Building Society
Complex mortgages and income…

We provide individually underwritten mortgages with a pragmatic and sensible approach.  Our mortgage applications are individually assessed using common-sense. We see opportunities within specialist lending, large loans and complex income.

We pride ourselves on being flexible and accommodating. This is conveyed through our policy of lending to people in different types of employment which has kept pace in an ever-changing environment. We create specialist solutions for your clients.

  • We aim to make the complex more simple
  • We assess many types of complex income
  • We take a flexible view on applications
  • Ability to refer to our underwriters for pre-approval

Why choose us?

Complex income:

✔ Use 100% of bonus, commission & overtime if 2 years can be proved (50% if less than 2 years)
✔ Pension, rental/investment/trust income & maintenance all considered at 100%
✔ Minimum 1 years self employment required & latest years income considered
✔ Up to 6x income considered
✔ Up to 4 borrowers per application, with all incomes included
✔ Top slicing considered on BTL and Holiday Lets
✔ Unusual property types considered, including up to 3 properties on one title
✔ Large loans of up to £2m considered on Residential and BTL

You can view on our website our lending criteria and all our mortgage products we have available. Our BDMs are very experienced with complex cases, don’t hesitate to get in touch if we can help.