Missed the Mental Health Hour?

Not to worry, you can catch all the questions with the answers on our Instagram highlights or alternatively, you can select the PDF to view everything at your leisure, enjoy.
Click on one of the 3 circles to open up the PDF.

New Year, New Start

In this month’s webinar, we go through tips and insightful ways to self-care, self-motivate and get the most out of the new year as you go in to 2022!

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Your monthly articles

Raising cervical cancer awareness in the workplace

The 17th to 23rd of January is Cervical Cancer Prevention Week. This is an especially vital…

Prioritising employee mental health this Blue Monday & beyond

January can be a difficult time of year for many reasons. The pressure to set new year’s resolutions

My Healthy Advantage & BrightTV live webinars

Our in-house experts will showcase the features of our industry-leading wellbeing app My Healthy Advantage and preview our video series Bright TV.

Your exclusive monthly download

Download this month’s unique asset on the topic of Financial Wellbeing which includes tips to help manage your finances for 2022.