Update from Nick

Find out all the latest news and developments within Health Assured from Sales Director, Nick Babington.

Workplace wellbeing guide

Our new guide contains the latest facts, figures and guidance on workplace wellbeing. Learn how improved mental health support can boost organisational success.

MHA & BrightTV live webinars

Our in-house experts will showcase the features of our industry-leading wellbeing app My Healthy Advantage and preview our video series Bright TV.

Click & choose the webinar you want to attend!

5 reasons for an EAP

Still unsure about how an EAP can benefit your clients? Our blog delves into five reasons an EAP can revolutionise workplaces of all sizes.

The Mental Health Hour

Our new feature is a Q&A with a counsellor that takes place on Health Assured’s Instagram each month. So far we’ve covered topics including Tackling Low Mood and Managing Debt. Get involved by following our page below.

Service User Infographic  

Counselling call reasons, 2020 vs 2021 analysis and total number of case matches – our 2021 Service User Highlights are now available. Take a look now to see how clients are using Health Assured.

Have your clients downloaded My Healthy Advantage?