Health Shield has acquired Medex Protect, the specialist private medical insurance (PMI) excess and shortfall protection provider, for an undisclosed sum.

The add-on policy refunds the excess clients pay if and when they make a claim on their PMI policy. It also provides reimbursements (up to policy limits) for shortfalls when a hospital or consultant charges over and above private medical insurers’ guidelines.



So… How does this effect you?

Health Shield has no current plans to change our service offering.

Medex will continue to trade under the Medex name during 2018 and integration of the two companies will be planned and implemented over the next 12 to 24 months.

In terms of offering PMI excess cover this will still be available as part of a cash plan in exactly the same way it is now.  However, if you would like stand-alone PMI and shortfall cover this is now available through Medex.