From Wednesday 1 June, we will be changing the way we offer products for a product transfer or further advance. Rather than a standard product guide to show a range of products by loan size and loan to value, we will offer individual customer products for customers to choose from.

Our product transfer or further advance products will no longer show on our product guide or any sourcing systems.

To view the products available for a specific customer, log into BM Solutions Online and use ‘Mortgage Enquiry’ to view the customer’s mortgage. The ‘Product Finder’ tab will show the products available for a customer.

If the products available to a customer are being updated this will happen at the start of each month, so we will no longer send product change notifications for any changes on product transfers or further advances.

There are no other changes to the process for applying for a product transfer or further advance or to procuration fees.

If you have any queries, please contact your Business Development Manager.


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