International PMI is not just for expatriates. Yes, if your client is taking a new job in Hong Kong or Brazil then it is essential to look at their healthcare needs, and to meet them with a suitable iPMI plan. But iPMI can also play a vital role here in the UK too.

The first example is people who live in the UK but spend a significant amount of time overseas. Long gone are the times when a trip abroad was only for the annual family holiday. UK residents are ever more likely to own a property overseas, or have business interests abroad. They might buy travel insurance for their time outside the UK but this provides only limited medical cover. It will save your life in an emergency and get you back home again, which is fine if you are on holiday but not if you plan to spend several months in another country. An iPMI plan will also cover the costs of non-emergency treatment, and do so in the place where you are staying.

iPMI plans were traditionally only for expatriates, but some are now much more flexible and are perfectly suited to UK residents who are internationally mobile. The good news is that those insurance products also cover medical costs in the UK, so will provide cover for private healthcare here at home too.

There are other reasons why an international PMI plan can work well here in the UK. One is that it can offer specific benefits which are not usually offered on UK plans. A good example is private doctors, including those in Harley Street, or the ability to see consultants without referral.  Likewise, an iPMI plan can offer a Routine Pregnancy benefit, or Routine Dental, or cover for chronic conditions. It is also worth noting that iPMI plans will typically not be limited to standard UK tariffs for treatment, meaning that they will cover costs at even the best and most expensive private hospitals.

In short, iPMI differs from PMI in that it is not designed to dovetail with the NHS, but provides cover for entirely private treatment, whether at home or abroad.

All of these considerations will apply to your individual clients and to corporate customers. For the latter, there is also another huge incentive to look at iPMI plans, which is their greater underwriting flexibility. ALC Health can offer MHD terms to groups as small as 5 employees, and this includes groups of British citizens living in the UK. It will be rare indeed for the domestic PMI providers to offer anything similar.

Of course, an iPMI plan will not be priced to compete with a purely domestic UK PMI plan. The option will appeal to those clients who value any or all of the features above, especially the flexibility about the location of treatment and the type of facility used. There is a wide choice of plans, and excesses, to suit the widest range of needs and budgets. For the adviser, it is an opportunity to present your clients with an option they may not have considered, and which will provide a superior solution to their needs.

For further details, or for quotes, please contact Clive Westwood-Dunkley at ALC Health.

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