We’re making the following changes to our residential product range at 9am on Friday 18 August:


New residential products

We’re introducing 3 new remortgage 2 year fixed rate products with a £495 fee, free valuation, free legals and £500 cashback. The deals will be available at 65%, 75% & 80% LTV.


Residential rates going down

We’re reducing 16 product rates across 65%, 75%, 80% and 85% LTV tiers  by up to 0.05%


Residential rates going up

We’re increasing 1 90% LTV deal (code 46219) by 0.05%


Residential deals not changing

All other products in our current product range will remain unchanged.


Residential products being withdrawn and not replaced



The affected products will be withdrawn at 8pm on Thursday 17 August and replaced at 9am on Friday 18 August