Applies to: Accord Residential New Business purchase only (excludes new build properties)


Accord have hinted over the last few months that they’re busy working on some exciting changes that will help your brokers help more clients, and here’s their latest change. Accord are delighted to introduce Cascade Score – their brand-new product range which delivers even more of their common sense lending approach!

From today Accord’s Cascade Score product range will be available to help brokers and their clients who are looking to borrow up to 90% LTV.

This new range has been designed to give an alternative option for those clients who don’t meet Accord’s higher LTV scorecard but do meet their standard scorecard, affordability and lending policy, and means they can help even more broker clients, including first time buyers, than they have before.

How does it work?

Brokers don’t have to do anything differently!

  • They would simply submit their decision in principle as usual, and where a client does not meet Accord’s higher LTV scorecard but does meet their standard scorecard, MSO will automatically cascade the application and confirm eligibility for Accord’s Cascade Score range for the broker and their client to consider.

What else do you need to know?

  • Affordability and lending policy must still be met
  • There is no change to Accord’s existing scorecard requirements


When will the range be available?

The new product range is available from today.