We’re delighted to introduce you to Managed Life by The Exeter – responsive life insurance for clients with type 2 diabetes or who are overweight.

While most life insurance is priced and underwritten at application and doesn’t reflect the positive changes that people make to manage and improve their health, Managed life is different.

When your clients apply for Managed Life, The Exeter give them a simple target – an HbA1c reading for type 2 diabetics, or a reduced weight for clients with a high BMI.

When they hit this target at policy anniversary, they’ll reduce their premiums by a set percentage. Their premiums could also increase if their condition worsens, but again that will be set upfront so they’ll always know where they stand.

Watch the video to learn more.

Managed Life. Welcome to the future of life insurance.

The Exeter’s Plus Products now on the Select Panel

This exciting new type of life cover comes hot on the heels of another market leading development by The Exeter.

Pure Protection Plus and Income One Plus are built on the strong foundations of The Exeter’s previous plans, but include premium savings of up to 50% as well as a number of important enhancements:


More common features between products and improved interaction with state benefits make Plus the simplest Exeter products ever.

More flexible

A flexible approach to product design means you can pick and mix features to create the right price for each client, with no compromise.

More affordable

These improvements don’t come at a cost. With premium savings of up to 50%, can you afford to look elsewhere for income protection?

Click here to watch a short video and discover more about The Exeter’s Plus products.

Get in touch

To learn more about The Exeter’s market-leading protection products, register for a personal, free webinar today.

Your key contacts at The Exeter:

Duncan Taylor

Business Development Manager


01392 351911

Toney Quinn

Key Account Manager


07501 479387