With this current willingness to talk about and understand protection insurance, surely now is a good time to make a call. But what are we going to say? How and when do we introduce the idea of protection? We don’t want to appear mercenary by using the pandemic to scare people into taking out cover – but is there a way that we can use the pandemic as a point of reference, to help us understand their experiences, fears and thoughts?

How many of our customers feel secure in the knowledge that should a breadwinner die or become too sick to work, that they have a financial plan B? Do they have the means to stay in their home, pay the bills and continue to live their lives if their money dries up? Our latest ‘Deadline to Breadline’ research looks at our preparedness for loss of income and the plans people have to cope if their income stops. The conclusion of this shows the average number of days before money runs out is, on average, just 24 in the UK. As well as highlighting common concerns, it gives advisers useful insight to help them overcome the myths and misconceptions people have around protecting their incomes. In support of this, Legal & General are hosting regular webinars delivering the findings.

Workshops and webinars for advisers

Join Legal & General’s ‘Mortgage reviews – Missing the re-mortgage opportunity’ webinar next month for tips on how to make the most of this opportunity

This session looks at the opportunity the review gives you, the importance of a positive mindset and promoting the value of your services. We provide a useful checklist to help ensure you and you clients are aware of the need and have a clear, practiced process in place to help customers to choose you to help them protect what’s most important to them.

Register here – adviser.legalandgeneral.com/mortgagereviewwebinar

The areas covered and learning objectives are

  • Consider the opportunity available to you from your clients Mortgage reviews and the need for them to include all aspects of protection
  • Understand a simple approach to help you build on the mortgages you arrange for your clients leading to a long term relationship
  • Identify how you can develop your Mortgage review advice process to ensure your clients are protected

This is a live webinar (not recorded) and will last approximately 30mins. It is CII accredited for structured CPD.