We’ve been collating all of the questions received and we are in a position to now share where we are with valuations and products.

New Enquiries & Broker Support
Are we open for new businessYes!  The Society is open for business and available to discuss any new mortgage enquiries that you may have.                                            Our Business Development team are available between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
0330 123 1073 option 1
Are the BDM’s currently workingYes, both Andrew Sadler and Ian Stockley are happy to take your calls and help you.
Andrew:  07715 764131
Ian:  07497 277812
Product Changes
LTV’s / Product WithdrawalsThe following changes are effective immediately:
• We are no longer accepting purchase applications – remortgages only
• Lending restricted to 75% LTV across all product ranges
• No properties above £1m
• No flats or new build propertiesAdditionally, we have withdrawn the following product ranges:
• Holiday let
• Large Loans
• Self employed (we will still accept self employed remortgages with 2 years accounts)
• Shared ownership
Underwriting/Lending Department
Are the underwriting department still able to workYes, we have the majority of the lending team working remotely and a very limited number of underwriters working safely at our head office.  The broker sales development team are supporting the lending team by taking their calls, so underwriters can focus on your cases.
It is best to contact the underwriting department via email predominantly:
Underwriting queries:LendingServicesUnderwriters@ibs.co.uk
Telephone no.Tel: 0330 123 1073 option 2
With advisers moving to non-face to face, have you made any amendments to your lending criteriaWe currently accept non-face to face business, so no change in lending criteria required
Will you accept a case as face to face if the client has been seen by the adviser over video linkYes
Borrowing impact due to temporary loss of incomeDuty of care by broker and applicant required to advise us of any issues surrounding income due to Covid-19.  Any temporary loss of income may impact the lending decision.
What is the ability to use the income that is to be provided to affected members of the public by the Government during the Coronavirus period.

Specifically the questions relate to those workers who are classed as Furloughed workers, the ones who may receive 80% of their salary direct from the Government in lieu of wages that they may not be getting from their employer.

We can only base affordability on the current income levels at 80%.  We will require evidence that they are in receipt of the 80% in lieu of their salary
Will we allow re-mortgage to us as the new lender, for a client on a current payment holiday with their existing lender?No, unfortunately we won’t be able to help in these circumstances
Given the current situation of social distancing and self isolation, please could you offer advice around your scanning of supporting docs / online documentationWe will still require all supporting documents as requested.  We are currently working on the process to remove the need of certified documents (please see ID&V below).  We will update everyone ASAP.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Online bank statements can be used for assessment, but not as proof of address verification.
What’s the current situation with physical valuations & what will happen once valuers are allowed back out on the roadCurrently all physical valuations are on hold until further notice.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The valuers will be under immense pressure once the government advise that the restrictions are lifted on travel.  It is vital for everyone to be patient while the valuers catch up on the backlog of valuations instructed.  We will progress cases as quickly as possible.
Will you accept AVM’s / Desktop ValuationsWe are not in a position to accept AVM’s, but we are able to accept Desk Top valuations on all remortgages to 75%
Existing Self Build Mortgages – Stage Release Payments
Is the customer able to release further paymentsYes, a process has been implemented with valuers, whereby the applicant will provide photo’s and invoices to the valuer.  The valuer will assess each case on an individual basis and provide a report to us.  Monies be will be released on this basis.
Are you able to provide an update on the situation SLA’sAs it stands the majority of panel solicitors are working remotely.  The service level may be likely to be slower than normal, but the relationships are being managed closely by the panel management company.
Are conveyancers working from homeYes, most solicitors are working from home where viable.  Our Lending Manager is in regular contact with our Panel Management Relationship Manager.
Given the capacity and resource issue across the board, do we have any access points to escalate on your behalfIf the need to escalate arises, please contact the underwriting team and we will escalate with the solicitors on the clients behalf
What guarantees are in place to ensure completion monies will not be impactedWe have a contingency in place to ensure completion funds are sent on the date requested by the solicitor when submitting their certificate of title and noting our usual timescales
Identification & Verification
Given the current situation of social distancing and self isolation, please could you offer advice around your acceptance of SmartSearch E-ID / Certifying of Documents.We are unable to accept SmartSearch E-ID, but we are implementing a new process under our financial crime policy that we are looking to get in place ASAP.  We will keep you updated.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The new process will remove the need of the certification of documents in the majority of cases, but if the client fails the electronic checks, then we will still require certified documents.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           * For Ex-Pat cases we will still require certified documents.
Are we pulling any cases at offer stageNo, currently we are honouring these cases
Ability to extend offers?  Including developments where completion may be/have been delayedYes, we are offering a 3 month extension where required
Can all offer documents be sent via the AdvisorNo, the offer will need to come directly from ourselves please
Wet/Ink Signatures
Given the current situation of social distancing and self isolation, please could you offer advice around your acceptance of Digital SignaturesNo, unfortunately we don’t have ability to accept digital signatures within our process
With imminent completions and people in lock down, will lenders allow a deferral of completion without penaltyWe will, providing the funds have not been released, otherwise standard delayed completion processes will need to be followed by solicitors
Where occupants are in lock down/self-isolation, will the lender allow the purchase to complete and the current occupants to remain until this period is overNo
What will happen regarding title deeds being actioned and returnedThe standard process will apply
Payment Holidays
Who should the customer contact:  lender or intermediaryThe society directly please.   0330 123 0773
Do you have a payment holiday policy in place for borrowers who cannot make their mortgage payments due to Coronavirus?Yes
How long can payment holidays last for?As per the government statement
How will the non-payment be recorded with credit reference agencies?Agreed arrangements will not be reported to credit reference agencies.
Once the payments are rolled onto the main balance, will the term be automatically extended or the monthly payments increased?The options of repaying the payment holidays will be agreed with the customer.
If a borrower takes a Coronavirus related payment holiday can they still take another payment holiday in future or are they only allowed one holiday in the whole mortgage term?N/A  – Payment holidays not a normal feature available on any of our products.
What evidence will be required to qualify for a Coronavirus Payment HolidayAffected borrowers who are up to date with their mortgage payments and seeking a mortgage payment holiday are asked to complete and return our self-certification request form by post or by email to paymentqueries@ibs.co.uk (we suggest using secure email where possible).
Can the account be in arrears at the time of a coronavirus payment holiday applicationThe borrower will need to call in and discuss their current situation.  All cases are individual and we remain flexible with our approach.
Any arrears or missed payments permitted when applying for such a payment holiday – E.g. none in last 12mTo complete the self certification request the borrower must be up to date with payments with no payment shortfall or arrears.
For anyone with current arrears the borrower will need to call in and discuss their current situation.  All cases are individual and we remain flexible with our approach.
Is there a maximum LTV where a (Coronavirus) payment holiday option stops being offeredNo
Are there any scheme types that are excluded?  E.g. HTB or Shared OwnershipNone
Does this apply to BTL as well as Resi or consent to letAs per the government statement
Can payment holiday applicants be claiming on a Mortgage Repayments Insurance policy or be applying for, or be in receipt of, Income SupportNo
As an alternative to a payment holiday would you consider allowing people to switch to a temporary interest only arrangement or maybe reduced paymentsThe borrower will need to call in and discuss their current situation.  All cases are individual and we remain flexible with our approach.
Will we allow product switches if clients are on payment holidays due to Covid 19Yes
Is there a minimum period after having compelted a re-mortgage for a client that they can approach you for a payment holidayThere is no minimum time a borrower needs to have been with us to be able to self certify for a payment holiday.
Customer Services contact details 0330 123 0773